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NLIHC and CBPP Release Updated Rental Housing Programs Database and Report
Washington, D.C. – The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) with the support of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) released today an updated Rental Housing Programs Database (…
Press ReleaseNLIHC, HIP, and RF Release Joint Report on Tenant Experiences with Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Washington, D.C. – The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), Housing Initiative at Penn (HIP), and Reinvestment Fund (RF) released today a joint report on tenant and landlord experiences…
Press ReleaseAddress from NLIHC President and CEO Diane Yentel on Equitable Disaster Housing Recovery
The catastrophic wildfire on the island of Maui in Hawaii constitutes the deadliest disaster in the history of that state and the deadliest wildfire in the modern era. Fanned by the winds of one of…
StatementsNLIHC President and CEO Diane Yentel Statement on HUD’s Preview of Worst Case Housing Needs Report
Washington, DC – Today, HUD released an Executive Summary of its biennial Worst Case Housing Needs report. The report is expected to be released in full in September, and proves that millions of low-…
StatementsNLIHC Statement on HUD’s Release of 2021 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR): Part 2
Washington, D.C. – HUD released yesterday its 2021 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR): Part 2. The 2021 AHAR: Part 2 is an annual estimate of the number of people experiencing homelessness in…
StatementsNLIHC and HIP Release Joint Report on How Jurisdictions Are Building on Treasury’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Report shows approximately half of surveyed jurisdictions plan to sustain emergency rental assistance, with many retaining important features of pandemic-era ERA programs. Washington, D.C. – The…
Press Release