NLIHC Resources

Disparate Impact

HUD Publishes Final Disparate Impact Rule, March 31, 2023

HUD published a final rule in the Federal Register on March 31, 2023 reinstating the 2013 disparate impact rule. NLIHC Memo to Members article summarizes the final rule.

HUD Publishes Proposed Disparate Impact Rule, June 25, 2021

HUD published a proposed rule in the Federal Register on June 25, 2021 to reinstate the 2013 disparate impact rule. NLIHC Memo to Members article summarizes comments from advocates.

NLIHC signs on to four formal comment letters:

Biden Memorandum Instructing HUD to Examine Trump Rule

President Biden issued “Memorandum on Redressing Our Nation’s and the Federal Government’s History of Discriminatory Housing Practices and Policies” to the HUD Secretary on January 26, 2021, instructing HUD to examine the effect of the previous administration’s September 24, 2020 final disparate impact rule replacing the 2013 disparate impact rule.

U.S. District Court Issues Preliminary Injunction on Trump Final Disparate Impact Rule, October 2020 

An NLIHC November 2, 2020 summary of the injunction is here  

Trump Final Disparate Impact Rule Published, September 24, 2020

NLIHC’s detailed analysis of this final rule is here

The Proposed August 19, 2019 Drastic Changes to the Disparate Impact Rule

NLIHC’s comments regarding the proposed changes to the Disparate Impact rule are here

NLIHC’s summary of key features of the August 2019 proposed rule drastically changing Disparate Impact is here 

NLIHC’s side-by-side comparison of a key section (§100.500) of the 2013 rule and proposed changes to it are here

The Advance Notice of Proposed Rule Making, June 20, 2018

NLIHC’s comments regarding HUD’s 2018 intent to change Disparate Impact rule is here

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Fair Housing Disparate Impact Principle, June 15, 2015

NLIHC’s summary of the Supreme Court decision is here

Final Disparate Impact Rule, February 15, 2013

HUD published a final a final Disparate Impact rule on February 15, 2013.

Proposed Disparate Impact Rule, November 16, 2011

NLIHC comments regarding November 16, 2011 proposed Disparate Impact rule is here