City of Miami Senior Rental Assistance Program

City of Miami Department of Housing & Community Development
Miami, Florida

The program offers assistance to income-eligible (40% Area Median Income) senior households in the City (ages 62 and up) who spend more than 50% of their household income on housing costs AND who live in City assisted rental housing or subsidized buildings within City of Miami limits. The program provides up to $100 a month towards rental housing assistance at eligible properties, for up to a year, for qualifying households.

Assistance Distributed By
City or county administrator
Funding Source
General revenue; Dedicated funding stream
Funding Year
Local Funding
Program Status
Total Funding
Amount Provided
$100 average per year
How Provided?
Rental assistance paid to landlord, housing agency, or approved vendor only
Data Collected by Program
Income; Age
Income Eligibility Threshold
Assistance Used For
Info Source
Program administrator survey response
Last Updated
3/16/23 14:23
Other Eligibility Requirements

Elderly; Cannot have more than $5,000 in bank accounts or receive rent subsidies; Must be current with rent and live in rental housing funded by City or subsidized housing within City limits

Required Documents

Required for income (general), zero, self-employed, or non-traditional income, lease, photo ID. Self-attestation permitted for zero, self-employed, or non-traditional income.

Coordinates Eligibility With

Does not coordinate with other systems

Amount Calculation Method

Program offers a fixed amount per month

Eligibility Limitations
