Temporary Rental and Utility Assistance (TRUA) Program

Denver Department of Housing Stability
Denver, Colorado

Starting in 2017, the TRUA program provides temporary rental and utility assistance to Denver renters and homeowners (utilities) earning at or below 80% of the area median income.

Assistance Distributed By
Nonprofit or for-profit providers
Funding Source
Tax expenditure
Funding Year
Program Status
Total Funding
How Provided?
Rental assistance paid to tenant if landlord does not participate
Data Collected by Program
Income; Race; Ethnicity
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
Program administrator survey response
Last Updated
3/15/23 18:10
Other Eligibility Requirements

Households experiencing a current housing crisis (i.e. financial hardship, eviction notice, etc.)

Required Documents

Required for income (general), zero, self-employed, or non-traditional income, housing instability, lease, other financial hardship, photo ID. Self-attestation permitted for income (general), zero, self-employed, or non-traditional income, housing instability, other financial hardship, lease.

Coordinates Eligibility With

Does not coordinate with other systems

Amount Calculation Method

Program offers a duration-based maximum amount of assistance (e.g., covers rent for up to 3 months)

Eligibility Limitations

Does not limit eligibility on these criteria

Priority Populations

Persons experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness; Households with eviction notices