Long Term Operating Support

Illinois Housing Development Authority

The Long Term Operating Support program provides project based rental assistance to developments for a term of 15 years to serve households with incomes at or below 30% of ami (50% of the units must serve households with incomes at or below 15% of ami).

Assistance Distributed By
State administrator/State agency
Funding Source
Dedicated funding stream - Real estate transfer tax
Program Status
State Funding
Total Funding
How Provided?
Rental assistance paid to landlord, housing agency, or approved vendor only
Data Collected by Program
Income Eligibility Threshold
Assistance Used For
Info Source
Program administrator survey response
Last Updated
6/28/23 12:29
Other Eligibility Requirements

No other eligibility requirements

Required Documents

Required for income (general). Self-attestation permitted for income (general).

Coordinates Eligibility With

Does not coordinate with other systems

Amount Calculation Method

Program offers a fixed amount per month

Eligibility Limitations

Does not limit eligibility on these criteria

Priority Populations

Extremely low-income households (income less than 30% AMI)