Department of Mental Health Rental Subsidy Program (DMHRSP)

Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities

The Massachusetts Department of Mental Health Rental Subsidy Program (DMHRSP) is a state funded program that helps address the housing needs of DMH clients across Massachusetts. DMHRSP is a program administered jointly by the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) and the Department of Mental Health (DMH). DHCD creates and promulgates the regulations and guidance for administering the rental subsidy vouchers. DMH is responsible for selecting Service Providers and Clients to participate in the program, and provides guidance on the required community residential support and case manager services. There are two types of participation available in this program, Sponsor Based and Tenant Based. For Sponsor based participation, a Service Provider selected by DMH is awarded a voucher and enters into a lease for a unit directly with the Property Owner as the Sponsor. The Service Provider selects DMH Client(s) to reside in the Unit. The Client(s) must meet DHCD eligibility requirements and receive DMH services from the Sponsor. For Tenant based participation, a Client with DMH Case Management services receives the voucher and the Client directly enters into a lease with the Property Owner. All rental assistance funds must be used for units located within Massachusetts.

Assistance Distributed By
State administrator/State agency; Nonprofit or for-profit providers
Funding Year
FY 2024
Program Status
Total Funding
How Provided?
Rental assistance paid to landlord, housing agency, or approved vendor only
Data Collected by Program
Income; Race; Ethnicity; Disability Status; Age
Income Eligibility Threshold
Assistance Used For
Info Source
Program administrator survey response
Last Updated
6/2/23 9:26
Other Eligibility Requirements

Persons with disabilities; Current client of the Department of Mental Health; Must pass background check

Required Documents

Required for income (general), zero, self-employed, or non-traditional income, photo ID. Self-attestation permitted as last resort.

Coordinates Eligibility With

Department(s) of health, mental or behavioral health, &/or social services

Amount Calculation Method

Program covers rent above 30% of tenants' adjusted income, up to payment standard based on local Fair Market Rent

Eligibility Limitations

Criminal history; Eviction/rent payment history

Priority Populations

Persons with mental illness