Bridging Rental Assistance Program (BRAP)
BRAP assists clients with Serious Mental Illness, including those who also have a Substance Use Disorder, with obtaining transitional housing by providing a rental subsidy and assistance with finding independent housing. BRAP is intended to serve as a bridge between homelessness and more permanent housing options, such as Section 8. BRAP clients are required to contribute 40% of their income toward their monthly rent.
Persons with mental illness; Applicants on waitlists for other housing assistance; Persons with substance use disorder; meet Eligibility For Care Criteria for Community Support Services; receive or in appeals for SSI/SSDI (or similar); Applicants leaving a psychiatric institution or correctional facility; Persons experiencing or at risk of homelessness
Persons with mental illness; Previously incarcerated individuals
Required for income (general), zero, self-employed, or non-traditional income, verification of income from or application to social security, application to Section 8 housing, "priority status", Section 17 eligibility (kepro verification or BRAP enrollment form). Self-attestation permitted for income (general).
Program covers rent above 40% of tenants' adjusted income, up to payment standard based on local Fair Market Rent