The Partnership Program provides loans for rental housing targeted to households with incomes at or below 50% of the statewide median. Loan amounts are limited to $75,000 per unit for large projects and up to $2 million for small projects (without a per unit cap). New construction and acquisition or rehabilitation of rental housing are eligible activities. Rental housing may include apartment buildings, townhouses, single-family​ homes, single room occupancy buildings and shared housing facilities. Local governments, housing authorities and entities which are owned in part by a local government or housing authority may apply for Partnership Rental Housing Program funds. The local government must make a contribution of the land or a contribution of equal value from non-state resources. The local participant must manage the project or arrange for another party to manage the project. Non-governmental entities are eligible applicants for Partnership Rental Housing Program funds to be used for individuals with disabilities or special needs units.
No other eligibility requirements
Does not coordinate with other systems
Does not limit eligibility on these criteria
Persons with disabilities