Rural Affordable Housing Rental Program

Maine State Housing Authority

MaineHousing is providing funding to developers for the development of smaller (five to 18 units) affordable rental housing projects in areas and at a size where traditional Low Income Housing Tax Credit projects are not generally feasible. Rural Affordable Rental Housing Program eligible activities include acquisition and/or rehabilitation of existing rental housing units, adaptive re-use of existing buildings for rental housing, and new construction of rental housing units.

Funding Source
Special one-time federal funding; Special one-time non-federal funding
Funding Year
Program Status
State Funding
Total Funding
Treasury State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) Funding
Mark Wiesendanger Maine State Housing Authority [email protected] 207-626-4625
How Provided?
Development loans
Program Type
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
NLIHC internet research
Last Updated
7/18/23 10:49
Other Eligibility Requirements

Must inhabit unit as primary permanent residence

Priority Populations

Does not prioritize beyond eligibility requirements