Idaho Workforce Housing Fund

Idaho Housing and Finance Association

In 2022, the Idaho Legislature created the Idaho Workforce Housing Fund (IWHF) to utilize the funds appropriated to states through the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021. As administrator of this funding, Idaho Housing and Finance Association was tasked to develop an administrative plan and set the process in motion to invest the funding in housing developments throughout the state. The aim is to leverage these dollars with other governmental and private funding to have the greatest impact possible in Idaho’s extremely tight housing markets.

Funding Source
Special one-time federal funding
Funding Year
Program Status
Total Funding
Treasury State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) Funding
Michael Leary Idaho Housing and Finance Association [email protected] 855-505-4700 ext. 4385
How Provided?
Development loans
Program Type
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
NLIHC internet research
Last Updated
7/14/23 11:11
Priority Populations

Persons with disabilities; Persons with special needs; Households with HUD-VA Supportive Housing vouchers; Families with children; Households on public housing waiting lists