Elderly Homeowner or Renter Credit

Montana Department of Revenue

The Montana Elderly Homeowner/Renter Credit program is a property tax relief program that provides a refundable income tax credit of up to $1,150 for renters and homeowners 62 years old and older with less than $45,000 in annual income.

Funding Source
Tax expenditure
Funding Year
Program Status
Amount Provided
Maximum amount is NA (NA).
Data Collected by Program
Does not collect data on income, race, ethnicity, disability status, or age
Program Type
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
NLIHC internet research
Last Updated
8/9/23 11:35
Other Eligibility Requirements


Amount Calculation Method

Based on income, rent, and/or property taxes up to a fixed maximum amount

Income Eligibility Threshold Detail

$45,000 or less