State Housing Tax Credit Contribution Program

Connecticut Housing Finance Authority

The Housing Tax Credit Contribution (HTCC) Program is a Housing Program contained in Section 8-395 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as amended. The HTCC Program provides funds through tax credit vouchers for Business Firms making contributions to Affordable Housing Programs developed, sponsored or managed by Nonprofit Corporations that benefit Very Low-, Low- and Moderate-Income households. The total amount of tax credits available annually is $10 million. The law requires annual allocation set- asides of $1 million for Workforce Housing and $2 million for Permanent Supportive Housing. The remaining balance is ascribed to a general class. Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) administers the HTCC Program.

Funding Source
Tax expenditure
Funding Year
Program Status
State Funding
Total Funding
Colette Slover Connecticut Housing Finance Authority [email protected]
How Provided?
Development tax credits
Data Collected by Program
Program Type
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
NLIHC internet research
Last Updated
7/26/23 16:42