Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds

San Diego Housing Commission
San Diego, California

Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, also known as private activity bonds (PAB), enable affordable housing developers to obtain below-market financing because interest income from the bonds is exempt from state and federal taxes. The San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) authorizes the issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds, subject to the approval of the San Diego City Council, sitting as the Housing Authority of the City of San Diego (Housing Authority).

Funding Source
Dedicated funding stream - Other
Funding Year
Local Funding
Program Status
Total Funding
Colin Miller San Diego Housing Commission [email protected] 619-578-7429
How Provided?
Development bonds
Program Type
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
NLIHC internet research
Last Updated
8/23/23 11:42
Income Eligibility Threshold Detail

20% of units at or below 50% AMI OR 40% of units at or below 60% AMI