Targeted Affordable Housing (TAH)

DC Department of Human Services
District of Columbia

The Targeted Affordable Housing (TAH) program provides a permanent housing subsidy with case management (i.e. typically a quarterly check-in) to ensure housing stability. TAH is designed to assist individuals and families who are independent, but due to disability, age or other socio-economic factors require long-term subsidy to prevent homeless. Such individuals and families are appropriately engaged in community services and do not require intensive services.

Funding Source
General revenue
Funding Year
Program Status
State Funding
Total Funding
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
NLIHC internet research
Last Updated
8/1/23 14:43
Other Eligibility Requirements

Persons experiencing or at risk of homelessness; Resident of the District of Columbia

Coordinates Eligibility With

Department(s) of health, mental or behavioral health, &/or social services

Amount Calculation Method

Program covers rent above 30% of tenants' adjusted income, up to payment standard based on local Fair Market Rent