State Housing Trust Fund - Iowa

Iowa Finance Authority

The State Housing Trust Fund (SHTF), created by the Iowa legislature in 2003, helps ensure decent, safe and affordable housing for Iowans through two important programs: the Local Housing Trust Fund (LHTF) Program and the Project-Based Housing Program. The moneys in the SHTF are to be used for the development and preservation of affordable housing for low-income households in the state.

Assistance Distributed By
Nonprofit or for-profit providers
Funding Source
Dedicated funding stream - Real estate transfer tax; Dedicated funding stream - Interest on government accounts
Funding Year
FY 2023
Program Status
State Funding
Total Funding
Terri Rosonke Iowa Finance Authority [email protected] 515-452-0440
How Provided?
Capital provided through development grants.
Data Collected by Program
Does not collect data on income, race, ethnicity, disability status, or age
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
Program administrator survey response
Last Updated
5/8/23 18:36
Other Eligibility Requirements

No other eligibility requirements

Required Documents

Required for income (general). Self-attestation permitted for zero, self-employed, or non-traditional income.

Coordinates Eligibility With

Does not coordinate with other systems

Eligibility Limitations

Does not limit eligibility on these criteria