Property Tax/Rent/Heat Rebate Program

Colorado Department of Revenue

The Property Tax, Rent, Heat (PTC) Rebate is now available to Colorado residents based on income including people with disabilities and older adults to help with their property tax, rent, and/or heat expenses this winter and beyond. The rebate amount can be up to $1,044 a year for applicants and if you apply in 2023, you could receive up to a $1,000 refundable tax credit. The Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR) outreach campaign increased the number of applications by more than 14% in 2022 compared to 2021. In 2023, this program could provide more than $7 million in relief to Coloradans ensuring seniors and Coloradans with disabilities can heat and remain in their homes.

Funding Source
Tax expenditure
Program Status
Amount Provided
Maximum amount is NA (NA).
Program Type
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
NLIHC internet research
Last Updated
7/25/23 13:54
Other Eligibility Requirements

Persons with disabilities; Elderly; Colorado resident for entire year; Paid property tax, rent or heating bills during prior year

Amount Calculation Method

Program offers a fixed amount per year

Income Eligibility Threshold Detail

Less than $16,925 for single filers; Less than $22,858 for married filing jointly