Housing Stabilization Fund (HSF)

Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities

The Housing Stabilization Fund (HSF) is a state funded program for municipalities, non-profit, or for-profit developers to support affordable rental housing production and rehabilitation. Developers and municipalities are encouraged to work together to package properties, including foreclosed and distressed properties, for rehabilitation and re-use as affordable rental housing and for new construction.

Funding Source
General revenue; Dedicated funding stream - Interest on government accounts; Dedicated funding stream - Other
Program Status
How Provided?
Development loans
Data Collected by Program
Income; Race; Ethnicity; Age
Program Type
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
NLIHC internet research
Last Updated
8/18/23 17:02
Income Eligibility Threshold Detail

80% AMI or less in first 40 years of loan; 100% AMI or less in years 41-50

Priority Populations

Extremely low-income households (income less than 30% AMI)