Tax Exempt Bond Financing

Invest Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia

Tax exempt bonds are issued by the Urban Residential Finance Authority (the Housing Finance group of Invest Atlanta) to assist with the accomplishment of growth in multifamily housing. RFA is empowered to issue tax exempt bonds to make below market interest rate mortgage loans to developers for rental housing to ensure that a percentage of the rental units benefit low and moderate-income renters.

Program Status
Vickey Roberts Invest Atlanta [email protected] 404-880-4100
How Provided?
Development bonds
Program Type
Income Eligibility Threshold
Info Source
NLIHC internet research
Last Updated
8/22/23 12:52
Income Eligibility Threshold Detail

20% of units at or below 50% AMI OR 40% of units at or below 60% AMI; at least 15% of units not income restricted