NLIHC and other state, local, and national leaders call on advocates, elected officials, and concerned citizens to participate in the Our Homes, Our Voices day of action on July 29 to bring more attention to America’s affordable housing crisis. Coordinated activities will be held in cities across the nation to call for a greater investment in affordable homes and community development.
All people deserve an affordable home, and no one should be forced to give up food and basic healthcare to keep a roof over their heads. When we invest in affordable homes, we invest in people, our communities, and America as a whole – from increased employment and economic mobility to improved health and better education.
Yet, far too many families – including low income seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, and families with children – struggle to keep a roof over their heads. Nationwide, more people are renting their homes than ever before. But our investments in affordable housing have not kept pace. Today, three out of four families in need of federal housing assistance are turned away due to a lack of funding. As a result, millions of people do not have an affordable place to call home and half a million people live on the street, in shelters, or in their cars on any given night. Every state and community is impacted.
This year, federal investments in affordable housing face significant budget threats. In the name of deficit reduction, Congress has put in place low spending caps that starve low income families and communities of the resources they need to thrive. President Donald Trump has proposed even deeper cuts in 2018, which would slash federal investments in affordable housing by $7.4 billion or 15%. Instead of reducing our nation’s investments in affordable housing, we should make a bold and sustained commitment to ensure that everyone has a safe, accessible, and affordable home. This starts with Congress rejecting the president’s 2018 budget proposal, lifting the spending caps equally for defense and domestic programs, and fully investing in affordable housing that helps low income families keep a roof over their heads.
NLIHC invites you to join or organize an event in your community. Organizations, elected officials, and individuals who would like to participate in this day of action should visit the Our Homes, Our Voices website, launched today, or email [email protected].
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