An analysis of H.R.1 by the Technical Assistance Collaborative (TAC) shows that cuts in the bill would cause 10,000 households who are now stably housed through the Section 811-funded Mainstream voucher program to lose their housing. The Section 811 program is currently funded at $300 million. The House bill would fund the program at only $90 million for FY11. Renewing the Project Rental Assistance Contracts (PRACs) alone will use $66 million of this funding, leaving only $24 million to renew Mainstream vouchers. The Mainstream vouchers currently provide between 14,000-15,000 households with affordable homes. It would cost $87 million for FY11 to renew these vouchers. The House cuts to the Section 811 program would leave the account short $63 million, causing 10,000 people with disabilities to lose their homes.
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) released its analysis of the impact of the House bill cuts on the Public Housing Capital Fund, the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, the Native American and Native Hawaiian Block Grants and the Community Development Block Grant The report provides state-by-state information on the cuts that each program would sustain under the House proposal.
NLIHC has produced a table that shows the number of project-based Section 8 units in each state and congressional district in the country. The table also shows the number of these units that are subject to the annual appropriations process based on the knowledge that approximately 83% of all project based Section 8 contracts are short-term and are renewed annually, while the other 17% are long-term contracts funded through previous appropriations. These data can be used to stress the importance of increasing the project-based renewal spending in the FY11 budget over the FY10 budget, as outlined in H.R. 1, and of meeting the President’s budget request for project-based renewals in the FY12 budget.
Another report, this one by the Coalition on Human Needs (CHN), describes the impact that cuts to domestic discretionary funding would have to the full array of programs serving low income households.
View NLIHC’s Call to Action on the House bill sent this week:
View TAC’s report on Section 811 funding:
View CBPP’s report:
View NLIHC’s table at:
View CHN’s report:
View NLIHC’s budget charts: