Memo to Members

Apply to Join Corporation for Supportive Housing’s Zero Returns to Homelessness Cohort!

Jul 29, 2024

The Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) and its partners at the Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center have begun accepting applications for the next Zero Returns to Homelessness Cohort. Applications are due by 9 pm ET on August 12.

Zero Returns to Homelessness is a multi-agency effort designed to support states and communities as they work to prevent and end homelessness for people returning from incarceration. The Zero Returns to Homelessness Cohort will provide up to six state teams with extensive and free technical assistance support focused on solidifying long-term reentry housing plans, leveraging community leaders and resources, collaboration across state and local systems, and achieving a real, concrete expansion in the amount of housing available to people in reentry.

CSH and CSG are looking for applicants with established or emerging system-level partnerships across the criminal justice, housing, homeless, and behavioral health systems to join a national cohort of state teams. Interested applicants must submit their applications no later than 9 pm ET on Monday, August 12.

Learn more and apply to join here. Questions can be directed to Kanani Medeiros, associate director for justice systems transformation at the Corporation for Supportive Housing, at [email protected]