Memo to Members

Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding Sends Letter to Congressional Leadership and Appropriators on FY22 Spending Bill

Jul 26, 2021

The NLIHC-led Campaign for Housing and Community Development (CHCDF) sent a letter on July 23 to congressional leadership and appropriators urging Congress to enact the highest possible funding for housing and community development programs for fiscal year (FY) 2022 as soon as possible this year. CHCDF is an education, strategy, and action coalition representing over 70 national housing and community development organizations.

The FY22 spending legislation is the first annual spending bill in a decade that is not limited by the low spending caps required by the Budget Control Act that have prevented Congress from investing in affordable housing at the scale necessary. If enacted, the House proposal would provide substantial federal investments in affordable homes and increase the availability of housing assistance to families with the greatest needs. Overall, the House spending bill would fund HUD at $56.5 billion, an increase of $6.8 billion above FY21 and $314 million below the president’s 2022 budget request. CHCDF urges the Senate to look to the House FY 22 THUD bill and, when more generous, to the president’s request for the FY 22 HUD bill.

Read the letter at:

Read NLIHC’s analysis of the House FY22 THUD bill at: