Celebrate Civic Health Month!

Our Homes, Our Votes is NLIHC’s nonpartisan campaign to boost voter turnout among low-income renters and educate candidates about housing solutions. NLIHC is proud to join over 300 organizations nationwide in recognizing Civic Health Month this August, which celebrates efforts to ensure that every eligible voter has access to the ballot.

Just like housing security (see Memo, 2/27), voting is a key social determinant of health, according to the American Medical Association. Civic Health Month, led by the nonpartisan civic engagement organization Vot-ER, highlights the links between voting and health and promotes nonpartisan voter engagement.

To learn more about the intersections of health and voting, sign up to attend Vot-ER’s Civic Health Month conference, which will be held virtually on August 25 from noon to 4:15 pm ET. The conference will include hands-on training sessions and discussions about building a healthier democracy, as well as a panel discussion featuring practitioners at the forefront of health equity and a keynote address by Dr. Bayo Curry-Winchell. Participants will prepare to mobilize for the November 2023 elections and think ahead to the 2024 electoral cycle.

For more information about Civic Health Month, visit: https://vot-er.org/civic-health-month/

For more information about Our Homes, Our Votes, visit: https://www.ourhomes-ourvotes.org/