Call to Action

Concrete Steps Congress Can Take To Solve America’s Housing Crisis

Jan 30, 2019

The National Low Income Housing Coalition released today Opportunities to End Homelessness and Housing Poverty in the 116th Congress, a memo to incoming senators and representatives on concrete steps they can take to help address one of the most critical issues facing extremely low income families today: the lack of decent, accessible, and affordable housing.

NLIHC encourages advocates from across the nation to share the memo with their senators and representatives.


Expanding affordable housing solutions for America’s poorest families should be a top priority for Congress. In the 2018 election, affordable housing was squarely on the agenda in many states and districts. Newly-elected representatives ran and won on platforms with bold housing solutions — from expanding housing vouchers and increasing funding for the National Housing Trust Fund to new measures to address homelessness. These leaders now join other bipartisan congressional champions of expanding affordable housing investments.

NLIHC’s memo provides senators and representatives with specific recommendations on legislative opportunities – whether through an infrastructure spending package, the appropriations process, housing finance reform, or other initiatives — to make the critical investments in the affordable housing our nation needs to help the economy, our communities, children and families thrive.

Take Action

Advocates and organizations can use NLIHC’s Opportunities to End Homelessness and Housing Poverty in the 116th Congress to help educate members of Congress about proven and new solutions to America’s growing rental housing crisis.

We encourage advocates to share the memo with their senators and representatives and with other key stakeholders.