House Passes Continuing Resolution to Fund Government through December 18

The House of Representatives passed on December 8 a one-week continuing resolution (CR) to extend current funding for federal agencies and programs through December 18. The bill (H.R. 8900) passed out of the House by a vote of 346-67. The bill was passed by the Senate and signed by the president on Friday December 11 to prevent a partial funding lapse.

“This continuing resolution will keep government open as we work to complete the appropriations process and deliver meaningful coronavirus relief to the American people,” said Chairwoman Nita Lowey (D-NY) on the passage of H.R. 8900. “Democrats continue to negotiate in good faith to complete our important work for the people, and it is imperative that the White House and Republicans join us in this effort.”

If enacted, Congress has until December 18 to authorize new appropriations bills for the upcoming fiscal year or pass another CR to keep the federal government funded and avoid a government shutdown. In addition to a funding extension, the legislation includes a one-week extension of certain health programs. This would be the second stop-gap funding measure Congress has passed since the fiscal year began on October 1.

Read the text of the bill at: