The Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF) sent a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) on July 14 to respond to the GOP’s recently released plan to address poverty in America. More than 30 national organizations signed onto the statement, which reads in part:
“[CHCDF] welcomes the Poverty, Opportunity & Upward Mobility Task Force’s attention to poverty, as well as its acknowledgement that stable housing is important to families who are struggling to make ends meet and improve their prospects. Yet the Task Force’s assertion that HUD programs are barriers to mobility runs counter to the evidence. Federal housing and community development programs reduce poverty, help families to access better opportunities, and can improve their health and educational outcomes. Housing assistance helps seniors and people with disabilities live independently and avoid using costly emergency health services, and helps children stay in school and avoid violent neighborhoods and substandard housing that can be hazardous to their health, well-being, and future prospects. Community development programs help communities ravaged by job losses and foreclosures to revitalize, create jobs, and grow their economies.”
CHCDF is a coalition of 70 national housing, homeless, and community development organizations working together toward the highest possible federal funding for such programs. NLIHC coordinates CHCDF.
Read the letter at:
Read the GOP anti-poverty plan at: