Memo to Members

HUD Announces HOME Investment Partnerships Program Proposed Rule Listening Sessions

Jun 10, 2024

HUD has announced a series of six listening sessions to give interested persons an opportunity to learn about and provide comments on the “HOME Investment Partnerships Program: Program Updates and Streamlining” proposed rule. The proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on May 29. The deadline to submit public comments on the proposed rule is July 29. (See Memo, 5/20 and Memo, 5/20 for more on the proposed rule.)

The listening sessions, which will be held between June 12 and June 26, will be divided into two parts. The first listening sessions will address community housing development organizations, maximum subsidy amounts, green building incentives, homebuyer housing, and community land trusts. The second listening sessions will address rental housing, tenant-based rental assistance, and tenant protections.

Register for the HOME proposed rule listening sessions here.

Access OAHP’s HOME Proposed Rule webpage at: