Memo to Members

HUD CPD Provides COVID-19 Waivers for CoC, ESG, and HOPWA Programs

Apr 06, 2020

HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) distributed an undated Memorandum on April 1 outlining coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic-related program waivers for the Continuum of Care (CoC), Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG), and Housing for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) programs.

To use the waiver flexibility, program recipients must provide notification in writing, either through mail or e-mail, to the CPD director of the HUD Field Office no less than two days before the recipient anticipates using the waiver flexibility.

For the CoC, ESG, and HOPWA programs there are waivers to the requirement that rent payments not exceed the area fair market rent (FMR). For the CoC and HOPWA programs there are waivers regarding Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspections.

For the CoC program there are additional waivers pertaining to:

  • Disability documentation for Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
  • Limits on eligible housing search and counseling services
  • Permanent Housing and Rapid Re-housing monthly case management
  • The one-year lease requirement

For the ESG program there are additional waivers pertaining to:

  • Re-evaluations for homelessness prevention assistance
  • Housing stability case management

For the HOPWA program there are additions waivers pertaining to:

  • Self-certification of income and credible information on HIV status
  • HOPWA space and security

Regarding the Consolidated Plan requirements for the ESG and HOPWA programs, CPD is waiving the 30-day minimum requirement for the public comment period for substantial amendments, provided that no less than five days are provided for public comments on each substantial amendment. HUD also waives the requirement that jurisdictions provide the public with reasonable notice and opportunity to comment on substantial amendments; grantees are responsible of determining what constitutes reasonable notice and opportunity to comment given their circumstances. These waivers are available through the end of the program recipient’s 2020 program year.

The Memorandum distributed on April 1 is at:

More information about the CoC and ESG programs is on page 4-65 of NLIHC’s 2019 Advocates’ Guide.

More information about the Continuum of Care Planning Process is on page 7-49 of NLIHC’s 2019 Advocates’ Guide.

More information about HOPWA is on page 4-63 of NLIHC’s 2019 Advocates’ Guide.

More information about the Consolidated Plan is on page 7-42 of NLIHC’s 2019 Advocates’ Guide.