HUD Highlights Important Milestone in the Emergency Housing Voucher Program

HUD published a fact sheet on October 13 announcing that over 35,000 households have leased their own housing through the $5 billion Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program established by the “American Rescue Plan Act.” HUD announced that with the achievement of this milestone, 50% of the total number of EHVs have been leased up.

The EHV program is the first special purpose voucher program within HUD to address homelessness not specific to veterans. Through the program, HUD awarded 70,000 housing choice vouchers to local public housing authorities (PHAs) to assist individuals and families who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness; fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking; or were recently homeless or have a high risk of housing instability. The program provides communities with new flexibilities and resources to help people with higher barriers successfully use the vouchers, including through robust administrative funding and a new service fee that allows program administrators to pay for costs needed to help families obtain and retain housing.

To date, approximately 100% of EHVs are in use – either leased or currently issued. Over 35,000 households have been housed, and an additional 36,000 voucher holders are in the process of searching for a unit or completing the lease process. With 50% of vouchers utilized to date, the program is leasing at a rate faster than any previous voucher program within HUD. PHAs continue to issue about 700 EHVs per week, and the time from issuance to lease is averaging 77 days. Of those who were issued vouchers 180 or more days ago, approximately 57% have been housed. At the current rate, the program is on track to reach full lease-up by the end of 2023.

HUD’s fact sheet highlights how PHAs across the country are creatively and successfully using their service fees to help house individuals and families through housing search services, landlord incentives, and security deposit assistance. Further, HUD outlines the steps it is taking to address utilization challenges, including by providing direct support to PHAs and engaging landlords. HUD is bringing together PHAs and people with lived experience to address inequities and help more households secure housing through the EHV program. To provide transparency and ensure program accountability, HUD launched the EHV Program Data Dashboard in 2021. The dashboard provides updates on leasing, issuances, unit utilization, services fee spending, and information on voucher awards and funding by PHA.

Read HUD’s fact sheet at:

Learn more about the EHV program and access the EHV dashboard at: