HUD to Host Event on Tenant Rights on July 25

HUD will host a hybrid event, “National Conversation @ The Community Table,” on Tuesday, July 25, from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm ET. During the event, HUD staff will discuss the agency’s progress advancing the commitments made in the Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights, a document released by the White House in January 2023, and educate attendees about tenants’ rights and tenant protections in HUD-funded properties. Register for the event here.

In addition to HUD officials, the event will feature tenant leaders who will offer their own reflections on the push for stronger tenant rights, as well as sessions exploring local applications of the principles articulated in the Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights, namely:

  • Access to safe, quality, accessible, and affordable housing.
  • Clear and fair leases.
  • Education, enforcement, and enhancement of rights.
  • The right to organize.
  • Eviction prevention, diversion, and relief.

Throughout, participants will be invited to weigh in on these principles and offer suggestions for improvements.

The event is open to members of the public, including tenants and renters, public housing authority staff, multifamily owners and landlords, elected and appointed officials, and advocacy and grassroots organizing coalitions. Register for the event here.