Memo to Members

HUD PIH Posts Emergency Housing Voucher FAQs

Jun 14, 2021

HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) has posted frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program created by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Public housing agencies (PHAs) were eligible to apply for 70,000 EHVs (see Memo, 5/10), and PIH announced the EHV allocations available to 696 PHAs (see Memo, 5/17). 

An initial FAQ was posted on May 19, and version 2 was posted on May 28. A third version was posted on June 9. The FAQs and other EHV information is on an Emergency Housing Voucher website. Given the frequency with which the FAQ is updated, residents and advocates will want to check the EHV website periodically. Version 2 added 21 FAQs and Version 3 added 36 FAQs. In total, the postings address 97 FAQs, most of which are technical items only of concern to PHAs.

HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge announced on June 10 a first tranche of $1.1 billion for EHVs to 626 PHAs (some PHAs did not apply). The $1.1 billion will cover the cost of EHVs and related administrative costs, including up-front costs needed to stand up the program, for an initial 18-month period. Thereafter, HUD will provide annual funding to cover the cost of renewals in 12-month increments through September 30, 2030, or until the $5 billion ARPA allocation runs out, whichever comes first.

NLIHC has summarized key FAQs that might be of most interest to residents and advocates.

The Emergency Housing Voucher website is at:

“Emergency Housing Vouchers, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) v.3” is at: