Memo to Members

HUD PIH Posts Housing Mobility Toolkit

Apr 03, 2023

HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) posted a Housing Mobility Toolkit on HUD Exchange. The toolkit makes available materials that can be used by public housing agencies (PHAs) to design and carry out housing mobility programs to enable more households with Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs) to use their vouchers to move to well-resourced areas (“Opportunity Areas”).

The toolkit includes a 97-page Program Manual (as well as a ZIP file with many attachments) and a 20-page Program Set-Up Manual (and ZIP file with attachments). Another ZIP file contains Renters Workshop materials, including a 54-page PowerPoint describing move-in and move-out procedures, what to expect during inspections carried out by a PHA, how to avoid common issues when renting a HCV-assisted home, and how to read a lease, pay rent, and maintain a home. Another ZIP file, which contains Money Management Workshop materials, includes a 45-page PowerPoint on the subject.

PIH will host an introductory webinar focusing on the new Toolkit on April 26 at 1 pm ET. Although the webinar is intended for PHAs, residents and advocates may also find it useful. Those interested in attending can register here. The webinar will be recorded and posted to the HCV Training and Resources webpage.

Access the Housing Mobility Toolkit at:

Read more about the Housing Choice Voucher program on page 4-1 of NLIHC’s 2023 Advocates’ Guide.