HUD Provides Instructions on When to Submit FY19 HTF Plan Documents

HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) issued Notice: CPD-19-01 providing instructions about when jurisdictions should submit their FY19 national Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Allocation Plans. The Notice also provides detailed instructions to jurisdictions about when to submit FY19 Consolidated Plans and/or Annual Action Plans.

For FY19, HUD will not execute a jurisdiction’s grant agreement until the agency receives an HTF Allocation Plan with the jurisdiction’s actual HTF allocation. The same is true for a jurisdiction’s allocations for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) programs.

The Notice was issued on February 13, two days before Congress approved and the president signed the FY19 Appropriations Act. Even though FY19 appropriations have now been made, it takes time for HUD to compute each jurisdiction’s allocation amounts for the five CPD programs.

HTF funds are not appropriated by Congress. They instead come from a small assessment on the new single-family and multifamily mortgages purchased by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the previous calendar year. Last week Fannie and Freddie announced that $245 million would be available for the HTF in 2019 (see Memo, 2/19). HUD anticipates announcing each state’s HTF allocation in April. The Notice tells states that if HTF allocations are not published before a state submits its Consolidated Plan and/or Action Plan, a state may submit a Consolidated Plan and/or Action Plan for its other CPD formula programs and submit its HTF Allocation Plan as a substantial amendment to its Action Plan once HTF allocations are published.

Regarding the other CPD formula programs, the Notice provides procedures for jurisdictions that have a normal Consolidated Plan and/or Action Plan submission deadline (45 days before the start of a jurisdiction’s program year) that falls either before or less than 60 days after the date HUD announces FY19 allocation amounts for CDBG, HOME, ESG, or HOPWA. These jurisdictions may delay submitting a Consolidated Plan and/or Action Plan until 60 days after allocations are announced. The Notice also offers jurisdictions several options for fulfilling their public-participation obligations.

Notice: CPD-19-01 is at:

More information about the HTF is on page 3-1 of NLIHC’s 2018 Advocates’ Guide

More information about the Consolidated Plan is on page 7-24 of NLIHC’s 2018 Advocates’ Guide