Memo to Members

HUD Releases Public Housing Dashboard

Apr 25, 2022

HUD recently released a Public Housing Data Dashboard providing information on the number of public housing units, occupancy rates, funding levels, household demographics, and utility usage in public housing. Users can filter the dashboard to view data for specific states, regions, public housing authorities (PHAs), and field offices. The dashboard also provides visualizations of public housing trends over time, such as the occupancy rate, which has decreased slightly over the last year.

The dashboard provides interactive visualizations, allowing users to compare states and national statistics. Filtering to view the state of Utah, for example, makes it clear that the state’s public housing residents are significantly older than residents nationally, with 48% of public housing residents in Utah being over the age of 62 compared to 35% nationally. A visualization showing the national public housing occupancy rate of 94.44% also adjusts when a user selects specific states. This adjustment reveals that states such as Oregon, Washington, and Idaho have higher-than-average occupancy rates (higher than 97%) while states like Kansas and Maryland have lower-than-average occupancy rates (lower than 90%).

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