Memo to Members

HUD Releases Updated CHAS Data

Sep 26, 2022

HUD released its latest Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) data on September 9. State and local governments use CHAS data to examine their housing needs, make spending decisions, and draft their Five-Year Consolidated Plans and Annual Action Plans, which are required if they are to receive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME, and other HUD funding. The data are available for states, counties, places, and census tracts. Users can either download raw data files or use the CHAS data query tool to access data. The query tool provides data on the number of low- and moderate-income households and the number of households with housing cost burdens and severe housing cost burdens, and data are disaggregated by tenure. The raw data files provide additional data disaggregated by race and ethnicity, disability status, elderly status, presence of children, and overcrowding. The CHAS data can be found at: