Memo to Members

HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Issues Update on REAC Inspections during Pandemic and Posts Updated Q&A Sheet

Feb 28, 2022

HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs (Multifamily) has prepared a flyer highlighting current COVID-19-related procedures for Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) physical inspections of private properties assisted with Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA). Multifamily also posted a “REAC Q&A on Inspections and the COVID-19 Pandemic” on February 22. The flyer outlines residents’ rights and property managers’ responsibilities, and the Q&A provides further details about those rights and responsibilities. REAC inspections rolled out slowly starting on June 1, 2021 (see Memo, 5/3/21), with flexible, COVID-19-related protocols that provide a 28-day advance notice to property managers and an option for residents to opt out of having their unit inspected.

The flyer provides residents with three-point guidance. A resident with health concerns should tell property management about these concerns when notified that their unit is scheduled for REAC inspection. A REAC inspector will then work with property management to select an alternative unit to inspect. The inspector and property management will wear personal protective equipment and remain at safe distances during inspections. A resident who is at home during an inspection may choose to leave their unit during the inspection. The flyer also links to an existing “Residents Rights and Responsibilities” flyer.

Inspector Notice H 2021-1, published on April 27, 2021 (see Memo, 5/3/21), announced that REAC inspections would restart in June 2021 and expanded the advance notice of an inspection provided to property managers from the standard 14 days to 28 days. The notice also required that a call between an inspector and property manager be held two days before an inspection to reconfirm that there were no known COVID-19 cases in the unit. The new flyer reiterates the property manager’s responsibility to tell inspectors of COVID-19-related concerns at the 28-, 14-, and 2-day-notification intervals. If property managers have additional questions, they are instructed to contact HUD’s Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 888-245-4860. On the day of an inspection, inspectors must report any relevant COVID-19 cases to the TAC.

Find the “REAC Inspections – COVID Updates and Information” flyer at:

Find the “Residents Rights and Responsibilities” flyer at:

Read the three-page “REAC Q&A on Inspections and the COVID-19 Pandemic” sheet published February 22, 2022, at:  

HUD runs two REAC websites. The more basic site is at: . A more technical site is at:

Read more about Multifamily Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance on page 4-64 of NLIHC’s 2021 Advocates’ Guide.