HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Records Coronavirus Policy Updates, April 13

HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs (Multifamily), which oversees contracts with private owners of HUD-assisted properties, has begun to record stakeholder calls rather than conduct them live. This is intended to accommodate more stakeholders, not all of whom can connect during a scheduled call. There were two previous live calls. The first recorded call was sent to stakeholders on April 7. To receive the recordings and raise questions for future recordings, email: [email protected]

During the first call, HUD noted that the $1 billion from the CARES Act for the project-based rental assistance program is intended in large part to compensate owners for anticipated reduced tenant rent payments as a result of diminished or lost wages. This funding will help owners maintain normal operations. HUD Multifamily is developing materials regarding the eviction moratorium designed for tenants. HUD also reiterated the updated guidance in the April 2 “Questions and Answers for Office of Multifamily Housing Stakeholders; Coronavirus (COVID-19)” (see Memo, 4/6) regarding how a resident can request an interim income recertification, including self-certifying that their income has been reduced. HUD is working to waive the requirement that entities seeking funding for the service coordinator program submit a comprehensive application through a notice of fund availability (NOFA).

The 26-minute April 7 Multifamily stakeholder recording is at:

There is no indication that these recordings will be posted on the Multifamily webpage.

NLIHC will write about any important updates, but in between editions of Memo, advocates are encouraged to check the HUD Multifamily webpage for ongoing updates.

More about the project-based housing program administered by the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs is on page 4-61 of NLIHC’s 2020 Advocates’ Guide.