Join Final NLIHC, Alliance, and CBPP Webinar on Homelessness and Housing First on September 11

NLIHC, the National Alliance to End Homelessness (the Alliance), and the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) invite advocates nationwide to register for the final webinar in our nine-part series on homelessness and Housing First. The webinar, “Getting the Message Right: Reevaluating How We Talk about Housing First,” will be held on Monday, September 11, from 2:30 to 4 pm ET. In recent years, widespread misinformation about the Housing First model – what it is, how it works, and what it entails – has sown confusion and misunderstanding about the model among lawmakers, the media, and members of the public. Panelists in the upcoming webinar will discuss the challenges involved in messaging about the success of Housing First and offer their perspectives on how to reorient messaging to illustrate the model’s benefits more effectively.

The panelists will include:

  • Jen Butler, Vice President of External Affairs, NLIHC
  • Tom Murphy, Senior Director of Communications, The Alliance
  • Marisol Bello, Executive Director, Housing Narrative Lab
  • Lindsay Knotts, Managing Director of Impact Strategies, TheCaseMade
  • Mark Horvath, Founder, Invisible People

Please note that this webinar is not a training, and webinar attendees will not receive a certificate of completion.

Register today!

Homelessness is a crisis in many communities – one that demands urgent action. To end homelessness once and for all, federal, state, and local governments must invest in proven solutions at the scale necessary to address the problem. The Housing First model is one of the best strategies for ending homelessness. Housing First recognizes that affordable and accessible homes are the foundation on which people thrive, and by combining housing with access to supportive services, Housing First can help people exit homelessness and live stably in their communities. 

In communities across the nation, however, some misguided policymakers are responding to this crisis by advancing dangerous rhetoric and harmful, dehumanizing measures that will make it even harder for people to exit homelessness. It is critical that advocates nationwide are unified in pushing back against stigmatizing and counterproductive efforts that seek to criminalize homelessness, impose punitive requirements, and even prevent the development of affordable housing.

As our communities struggle with exorbitant rents, increased evictions, and, in many cases, more homelessness, it is more important than ever that advocates work together to advance the bold policies and anti-racist reforms needed to ensure stable, affordable, and accessible homes for all people experiencing and at risk of homelessness.

Did you miss our previous webinars? Check out the webinar recaps, including the links to the recording and presentation slides.

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Learn more about Housing First at: