Join Monday’s (November 7) National HoUSed Campaign Call for Universal, Stable, Affordable Housing!

Join Monday’s (November 7) national HoUSed campaign call from 2:30 to 4:00 pm ET. Sarah Javid with National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) will join the call to discuss housing and economic insecurity among women and LBGTQ people of color. Eva Rosen with the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University and Philip Garboden with the Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Economic Research Organization at the University of Hawaii will share research on how landlords use the threat of eviction and on racial discrimination in tenant screenings. We will receive updates from NLIHC’s Our Homes, Our Votes campaign team on the upcoming midterm elections on November 8th, and the importance of representation of low-income and marginalized renters at the polls. We will also hear from NLIHC’s End Rental Arrears to Stop Evictions (ERASE) project team on new Treasury ERA data, receive updates from the field, and more!                                   


  • Welcome and Updates
    •  Diane Yentel, NLIHC
  • Housing and Economic Insecurity among Women and LBGTQ People of Color
    • Sarah Javid, NWLC
  • Landlord Use of Threat of Eviction and Racial Discrimination in Tenant Screenings
    • Eva Rosen, McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University
    • Philip Garboden, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Economic Research Organization at the University of Hawaii
  • Our Homes, Our Votes Campaign - Midterm Elections
    • Courtney Cooperman, NLIHC
  • End Rental Arrears to Stop Evictions (ERASE)
    • Sophie Siebach-Glover, NLIHC
  • Field Updates
    • Abram Diaz, Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California
    • Brenda Clement, Housing Works (RI)
  • Policy Updates
    • Sarah Saadian, NLIHC
  • Next Steps

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Be sure to use NLIHC’s updated advocacy toolkit, and visit our Take Action page for more ways to get involved!