Join Over 1,000 Organizations Demanding CDC Keep Families Housed during the Pandemic – Sign on by Tomorrow!

Tomorrow (December 15) is the last day to sign your organization onto a national letter urging the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to prevent a catastrophic wave of evictions this winter by extending, improving, and enforcing the federal eviction moratorium. More than 1,000 national, state, and local organizations and elected officials from around the country have joined NLIHC in calling on the CDC to ensure households remain safely, stably housed for the duration of the pandemic.

Without immediate action, the CDC moratorium will expire on December 31, and tens of millions of low-income renters will be at risk of losing their homes and their ability to keep themselves and their families safe and healthy.

We urge all local, state, and national organizations and elected officials to sign onto the letter before the deadline – tomorrow, December 15.

Click here to sign the letter!

Background Evictions risk lives, push families deeper into poverty, and further strain our nation’s public health systems. In issuing the federal eviction order in September, the CDC made clear the connection between evictions and our nation’s ability to contain the coronavirus.

Nearly one in five renters – disproportionately Black and Latino renters – are behind on their rent. Experts estimate these households will owe between $34 billion to $70 billion in back rent when the moratorium expires on December 31. Without an extension, up to 30 million to 40 million renters could lose their homes. In addition to the tremendous harm to families and communities, this wave of evictions could cost the federal government up to $129 billion in shelter, service and other associated costs. NLIHC and our partners across the country are urging the CDC to extend the eviction moratorium to ensure there is not a gap in protections before President-elect Biden and Congress can reach a deal on a comprehensive relief package that includes a broad moratorium on evictions and at least $100 billion in emergency rental assistance. We are also urging the CDC to strengthen the moratorium by closing loopholes and better protecting renters, as well as to enforce the criminal penalties included in the CDC order against landlords who violate the moratorium.

Take Action

Join us in urging the CDC to take immediate action to extend, improve, and enforce the federal eviction moratorium to keep renters stably housed during the pandemic.

Please share this letter and encourage organizations in your networks to sign on before the December 15 deadline!

Click here to sign the letter!