Memo to Members

Join Pre-Debate Tweetstorm for Affordable Housing on September 11

Sep 09, 2019

The third Democratic presidential debate will be held on September 12, 8:00 p.m.–11:00 p.m. ET in Houston, TX. Ten candidates will participate, most of whom have released significant proposals or plans to address the nation’s severe shortage of affordable homes. Will the debate moderators ask the candidates about their solutions to the affordable housing crisis in America? Join NLIHC and our Our Homes, Our Votes 2020 partners to urge them to!  

Participate in the #OurHomesOurVotes2020 tweetstorm on Wednesday, September 11 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET to urge the debate moderators to ask a question on affordable housing and to encourage candidates to talk about their affordable housing proposals at the nationally televised event.

Following are sample tweets.  Sample images to be used in your tweets can be downloaded at:

  • .@LinseyDavis #DYK that 60% of people in the U.S. say housing affordability is a serious problem in the area where they live? We agree. What do the candidates think? #DemDebates #OurHomesOurVotes2020
  • .@DavidMuir #DYK that 8 in 10 people in the U.S. think the pres. & Congress should take major action to make housing more affordable for low-income households? We agree. What do the candidates think? #DemDebates #OurHomesOurVotes2020
  • .@JorgeRamosNews #DYK that 76% of the public says it’s harder today to find stable housing compared to previous generations? We agree. What do the candidates think? #DemDebates #OurHomesOurVotes2020
  • .@GStephanopoulos #DYK that 85% of the public believes that a safe, decent, affordable place to live should be a top national priority? We agree. What do the candidates think? #DemDebates #OurHomesOurVotes2020
  • .@JoeBiden We look forward to hearing more about your national goal of ensuring 100% of formerly incarcerated individuals have housing. Talk about it at the next #DemDebates! #OurHomesOurVotes2020
  • .@CoryBooker, we’re looking forward to hearing you talk about your plans to create a Renters Credit and expand Housing Trust Fund to help millions of Americans struggling to cover rent. Talk about it on the #DemDebates stage! #OurHomesOurVotes2020
  • .@PeteButtigieg We agree “families can’t be secure if the cost of housing means they can’t make ends meet...” We want to hear more on your plan to ensure #affordablehousing for families at the next #DemDebates #OurHomesOurVotes2020
  • .@JulianCastro, we want to hear more about how you plan to solve the rental affordability crisis & provide fair housing for all by expanding the Housing Trust Fund, rental assistance & more during next #DemDebates #OurHomesOurVotes2020
  • .@KamalaHarris We look forward to hearing more on how you plan to combat the racial homeownership gap and provide relief to cost-burdened renters. Talk about it during the next #DemDebates! #OurHomesOurVotes2020
  • .@AmyKlobuchar We look forward to hearing more on how you plan to expand #affordablehousing & address the rural housing crisis. Talk about it during the next #DemDebates! #OurHomesOurVotes2020
  • .@BetoORourke More than 600 organizations & voters around the country want to hear how you will address the nation’s #affordablehousing crisis at the next #DemDebates. Check it out #OurHomesOurVotes2020
  • .@BernieSanders, we agree “The lack of affordable housing is one of the great crises facing this country.” We want to hear more about how you’ll expand the Housing Trust Fund & other solutions at the #DemDebates #OurHomesOurVotes2020
  • .@EWarren We look forward to hearing more on how your plan to expand the Housing Trust Fund and more to remove barriers to #affordablehousing during the next #DemDebates #OurHomesOurVotes2020
  • .@AndrewYang More than 600 organizations & voters around the country will be waiting to hear how you will address the nation’s #affordablehousing crisis at the #DemDebates. Check it out #OurHomesOurVotes2020

More than 600 organizations across the country signed onto a national letter urging the ABC and Univision debate moderators to ask a question on the issue affecting millions of voters—housing affordability. Read more here.

Follow @OurHomesVotes on Twitter for additional content to share and retweet.

For more information on all of the presidential candidates’ positions on affordable housing, go to: