Tell Secretary Carson and Congress that President Trump’s budget is unacceptable
HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson will testify before the Senate Appropriations Transportation and HUD (THUD) Subcommittee on June 7 at 2:30 pm ET on the administration’s FY18 budget.
The president’s budget proposes to slash federal investments in affordable housing at HUD by 15%, or $7.4 billion, compared to FY17. If enacted, more than 250,000 people could lose their housing vouchers. The budget would also impose punitive measures that would jeopardize family stability – increasing the financial burdens they face through higher rents and ending support to help cover the cost of basic utilities, like water and heat. The proposed budget slashes funding for public housing and many other vital programs and eliminates funding for the national Housing Trust Fund, the HOME Investment Partnerships program, and the Community Development Block Grants program. Read NLIHC’s analysis of the president’s budget and our top questions for Dr. Carson.
Twitter Storm Tomorrow at 2:30pm ET
Please join the National Low Income Housing Coalition and the Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding to tell Secretary Carson and Congress that President Trump’s budget is unacceptable during a Twitter storm tomorrow, June 7 at 2:30 pm ET.
Sample Tweets:
- #TrumpBudget puts struggling families under more financial strain by ^ rents to 35% of their gross income (avg is $12K/yr)
- #TrumpBudget takes hsg assistance away from 250K families, putting them at immediate risk of eviction & homelessness. #CutsHurt
- #TrumpBudget cuts resources to keep public housing developments up and running by 2/3rds. #CutsHurt
- Tell Congress to lift the unfair budget caps for a stronger and more prosperous America. #CutsHurt
- #CutsHurt the most vulnerable in our communities: low income seniors, veterans, ppl with disabilities, those who are homeless.
- Families thrive bc of housing & community development investments at HUD and USDA. Now is not the time to cut funding #CutsHurt
- Congress must lift spending caps & increase $$ to protect #affordablehousing for low income families and communities. #CutsHurt
- We should not balance the budget on the backs of low income families struggling to get by. #CutsHurt
- America is stronger and prosperous when we have decent, affordable homes & stable communities. #CutsHurt
- Families thrive bc of housing & community development investments at HUD and USDA. #CutsHurt
- With an affordable home, families can climb the economic ladder and kids do better in school. #CutsHurt
- Affordable housing is linked to better health. Cuts will only make our communities less healthy. #CutsHurt
- Learn more about why housing matters to health, education, and economic mobility
- HUD investments led to half a million jobs in 2015, on top of providing homes to 5 million families.
- Thanks to HUD, 5 million families have a place to call home.
- Find out the economic impact of federal investments in affordable housing in your state.
Important Twitter Handles
- Secretary Ben Carson: @SecretaryCarson
- Senator Susan Collins: @SenatorCollins
- Senator Jack Reed: @SenJackReed
- Senator Richard Shelby: @SenShelby
- Senator Lamar Alexander: @SenAlexander
- Senator Roy Blunt: @RoyBlunt
- Senator John Boozman: @JohnBoozman
- Senator Shelly Moore Capito: @SenCapito
- Senator Steve Daines: @SteveDaines
- Senator Lindsey Graham: @LindseyGrahamSC
- Senator John Hoeven: @SenJohnHoeven
- Senator Patty Murray: @PattyMurray
- Senator Richard Durbin: @SenatorDurbin
- Senator Dianne Feinstein: @SenFeinstein
- Senator Chris Coons: @ChrisCoons
- Senator Brian Schatz: @brianschatz
- Senator Chris Murphy: @ChrisMurphyCT
- Senator Joe Manchin: @Sen_JoeManchin