Join Webinar on Wednesday, 5/31 for Latest on Trump’s Proposed Budget and Ways to Defeat it

President Donald Trump’s FY18 budget request proposes to slash federal investments in affordable housing and other essential programs that ensure basic living standards for low income individuals and families. With this budget, the Trump administration shows a cruel indifference to the millions of people struggling to keep a roof over their heads. (Read NLIHC’s detailed analysis of the budget in this issue of Memo to Members)

Join the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) and other leaders of the Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF) for a webinar to learn more about President Trump’s budget proposal and actions you can take to fight back. The webinar will be held May 31 at 3 pm ET.

Speakers include:

  • Doug Rice, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
  • Linda Couch, LeadingAge
  • Tess Hembree, National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
  • Sarah Mickelson, National Low Income Housing Coalition
  • Gabriel Strachota, Community Voices Heard
  • Moderator: Elayne Weiss, National Low Income Housing Coalition

Register for the webinar at:

Take action now:

  1. Call your members of Congress and urge them to protect critical resources for affordable housing. Here is a script for you to use:
    Please reject the president’s proposed budget that slashes HUD and USDA investments that provide millions of Americans with affordable homes. These resources keep roofs over the heads of low income families, seniors, people with disabilities, low-wage workers and other vulnerable people. Funding affordable housing is a smart investment that leads to better health and education outcomes and boosts economic mobility and the local economy. Our communities are stronger because of HUD and USDA programs. Instead of making harmful cuts, please work with your colleagues to lift the spending caps on critical domestic programs like those at HUD and USDA.
  2. Email and tweet members of Congress. 
  3. Organizations and local governments can sign onto a national letter: