Call to Action

Memo to Members

Keep the Pressure On, Join #GetBackToWork Tweetstorm on September 9 at 1 pm ET

Sep 08, 2020

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued a long overdue and badly needed federal eviction moratorium for nonpayment of rent due to the coronavirus pandemic. This action to delay evictions for the remainder of the year will provide relief for millions of anxious families. But while an eviction moratorium is an essential step, it is a half-measure that delays a financial cliff renters face when the moratorium expires and back rent is due. This action delays but does not prevent evictions. Congress and the White House must get back to work on negotiations to enact a COVID-19 relief bill with at least $100 billion in emergency rental assistance.

The Senate is back in session today. Tomorrow, September 9, from 1 to 2 pm ET, NLIHC, the Coalition on Human Needs, and other advocates will flood Twitter during a #GetBackToWork tweetstorm. Join us in telling Congress that it cannot wait to ensure housing stability during and after the pandemic. Congress must immediately pass a coronavirus relief bill that includes at least $100 billion in emergency rental assistance and other essential housing resources and protections included in the “HEROES Act.”

Following are sample tweets. Sample images are available at:

  • The @CDCgov eviction moratorium may protect millions of families on the verge of losing their homes – but it won’t pay the rent! Congress and the White House must #GetBackToWork and pass legislation that provides #RentReliefNow
  • #DYK people we rely on, like home health aides & food servers, don't earn enough to pay rent. They’re now among the millions unemployed who need #RentReliefNow. Congress & the WH must #GetBackToWork! Ensure families are #stablyhoused after #COVID19
  • 3mos ago, the House passed the #HEROESAct to expand & extend the federal eviction moratorium & provide #RentReliefNow. @SenateGOP introduced a #COVID19 pckg. that was unacceptable & inadequate. Senate Rs, #GetBackToWork! #DoYourJob & provide #RentReliefNow
  • The House passed the #HeroesAct 3+mos ago authorizing an eviction moratorium, aid for renters, & funding to protect and get people experiencing homelessness quickly housed. Congress and the White House must #GetBackToWork & pass this critical relief
  • If Congress fails to pass #RentReliefNow & housing protections, a tsunami of evictions will exacerbate our public health crisis this winter. #GetBackToWork & give people the means to keep their housing during a pandemic  
  • #HousingisHealthcare, & #housingassistance during #COVID19 should be considered as urgent a priority as investments in healthcare. Tell your senator that 88% of people want #housingstability during & after #COVID19 
  • Tell Congress that 9 in 10 people want our elected leaders to ensure #housingstability during the #coronavirus outbreak. Congress must enact critical housing investments & protections in the next #COVID19 spending bill
  • #DYK 60% of Americans think the govt. is doing too little to make sure people can stably house during #COVID19? Tell Congress they can do more. Ask them to immediately enact critical housing protections in the next #COVID19 spending bill
  • 80% of Americans want the govt. to provide #housingstability during the #COVID19 outbreak. Let your senators know they must do everything they can to enact critical housing investments & protections in the final #COVID19 spending bill
  • Our country can’t contain #COVID19 if millions are without homes or on the brink of homelessness. Congress, #GetBackToWork & help families keep roofs over their heads during & after this pandemic. We need #RentReliefNow
  • Many renters don’t have enough $ for rent. #RentReliefNow is needed to ensure residents who are out of work don’t accrue debt during & after #COVID19. #GetBackToWork & give us #RentReliefNow
  • We need resources to protect low-income renters at high risk of #COVID19. Congress, #GetBackToWork to ensure the next stimulus package includes emergency #rentalassistance
  • We need #RentReliefNow! Families should not have to choose between paying rent & buying food when #RentisDue. Congress, #GetBackToWork to ensure #housingstability for the lowest-income renters during #COVID19
  • Millions of Americans are behind on their rent, can't afford food to feed themselves, or both. Evictions will happen again in the new year. Extended unemployment has expired leaving millions without help. It's time to pass a bill that provides #COVIDRelief
  • White House & Congress: It’s time to #GetBackToWork and pass a #COVIDRelief package with #RentReliefNow to ensure millions of families won’t fall off a financial cliff at the end of this year
  • The @CDCgov eviction moratorium order was an important step, but it was a half-measure. Congress must NOW #GetBacktoWork & help their constituents keep roofs over their heads during & after #COVID19
  • A uniform, national moratorium on evictions for nonpayment of rent was long overdue. Congress & the White House must now #GetBacktoWork & pass a bill to help families not fall off a financial cliff once back-rent is owed
  • Millions of families will be at high risk of eviction once the national moratorium expires. The House passed the #HeroesAct 3mos ago authorizing aid for renters & additional stimulus to families. Congress must #GetBackToWork & pass #COVIDRelief now
  • The @CDCgov eviction moratorium order showed that homelessness is a public health emergency. Congress and White House, #GetBackToWork & give people the means to keep their homes once the moratorium ends