Last Call for Nominations to NLIHC Board of Directors

The deadline for submitting nominations to fill upcoming vacancies on the NLIHC board of directors is 5:00 p.m. ET, December 31. To be considered for board membership, one must be a current dues-paying NLIHC member or be employed by a current dues-paying NLIHC member organization. NLIHC’s board consists of six low-income persons (defined as individuals with incomes less than 50% of area median income), six representatives of allied national organizations, six representatives of NLIHC state partners, and up to seven unrestricted or at-large NLIHC members. NLIHC is currently seeking nominations for one low-income and one state partner board member positions to assume their duties in March, 2019.

At least 90% of NLIHC board members must be people with low incomes or who are or have been engaged directly in working on meeting the housing needs of low-income people. In selecting board members, NLIHC strives to achieve a broad diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, and geography, including representation from both urban and rural communities. We seek as many different states represented as possible.

Board members are elected for 3-year terms and can be nominated to serve up to three terms. The board meets in person twice a year in Washington, DC, once in conjunction with our annual forum in the spring and once in the fall. The board also meets by conference call in the summer. Generally, new board members are elected at the annual board meeting held in the spring.

NLIHC subsidizes travel and lodging expenses of low-income board members to attend board meetings. All others are expected to cover their own travel and lodging expenses, unless doing so would prevent an otherwise qualified person from serving on the board. In addition to paying NLIHC membership dues, all board members are asked to make financial contributions to NLIHC at the level they are able. We strive for 100% board giving.

The best way to be considered for board membership is to get involved in the activities of NLIHC, particularly by serving on the Policy Advisory Committee and attending NLIHC’s annual Housing Policy Forum in the spring. The NLIHC Nominating Committee will review the level of a potential board member’s involvement in his or her own community or state housing advocacy activities and accountability to a constituent base.

To be considered for an NLIHC board position, send a brief biographical description or resume and a statement of interest to NLIHC President and CEO Diane Yentel at [email protected] by 5:00 p.m. ET on December 31.