Make Use of NLIHC’s Advocacy Resources during August Recess!

Members of Congress are back in their home districts and states until September 9 for their district work period, better known as “August Recess.” During this time, advocates have a valuable opportunity to meet with members of Congress and show them the positive impact federal investments in affordable housing have on the people and communities they represent! To support advocacy efforts this month, NLIHC has gathered together a collection of useful resources.

Take Action during August Recess!

Hosting in-person meetings and organizing tours of affordable housing developments or homelessness programs are powerful ways to build political support for housing solutions. Use the following resources to help schedule meetings or site visits with your members of Congress and their staffs during the August Recess:

  • Oppose Dramatic Cuts to Federal Investments in Affordable Housing: This toolkit includes resources, talking points, advocacy ideas, and other helpful information on defending funding for affordable housing and homelessness programs in the federal budget this year. Meet with your senators and representatives and urge them to provide the highest possible funding for these vital programs this year.
  • Oppose the Criminalization of Homelessness: In the wake of the Supreme Court decision in Grants Pass v. Johnson, advocates must urge policymakers to oppose misguided and cruel efforts to arrest and ticket unhoused people and instead support proven, evidence-based solutions, starting with access to affordable housing and supportive services. This toolkit includes advocacy tips and resources, talking points, and a list of legislation that, if enacted, would help address homelessness and housing insecurity.
  • Capitol Hill Day Advocacy Toolkit: In addition to research and talking points on the causes and solutions to the affordable housing crisis, this toolkit includes tips for scheduling meetings and ideas for sharing your story with elected officials.

Advocates can also continue engaging their members of Congress by:

  • Emailing or calling members’ offices to tell them about the importance of federal affordable housing and homelessness resources to you, your family, your community, or your work. You can use NLIHC’s Take Action page to call or send an email directly to your senators and representatives!
  • Sharing stories of those directly impacted by homelessness and housing instability. Storytelling adds emotional weight to your message and can help lawmakers see how their policy decisions impact actual people. Learn about how to tell compelling stories with this resource.

National, state, local, tribal, and territorial organizations can also join over 2,300 organizations on a national letter calling on Congress to support the highest level of funding possible for affordable housing, homelessness, and community development resources in FY25.

Thank you for your advocacy!