Memo to Members

March 8 Webinar on Family Unification and Family Self Sufficiency

Feb 29, 2016

On March 8, the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) will host a webinar on HUD’s Family Unification Program (FUP) and the Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Demonstration program authorized in the FY15 Omnibus Appropriations Act. The demonstration program will give young adults leaving foster care the ability to access the FSS program so that they can gain the skills they need to successfully transition to adulthood and achieve economic independence.

HUD announced that public housing agencies (PHAs) can participate in the demonstration program to study whether combining stable housing through vouchers with financial capacity and asset building leads to improved outcomes for at-risk youth aging out of foster care. The webinar will help PHAs understand the benefits of participating in the program and strategies they can pursue to meet program requirements and produce successful youth outcomes.

Policy experts who will speak on the webinar include Ruth White of the National Center for Housing & Child Welfare, Lauren Bustard of MaineHousing, and Jodi Lee of ChildNet.

The webinar will be held on March 8 from 1:45-3:00pm ET. The link for registering for the webinar is not yet available.