Memo to Members

Medicaid Managed Care Could Help Address Housing Insecurity

Oct 03, 2022

An article published by Manatt’s Health Insights urges stakeholders to consider Medicaid as offering one solution to housing insecurity. The article argues that stable housing plays a critical part in ensuring positive health outcomes, such as reducing health care costs and improving wellness. The article refers to studies that explore the connections between health and housing, shares examples of housing-related needs addressed in state contracts with Medicaid managed care, explores the possibility of integrating housing-related programs through the Section 1115 demonstration waiver authority, and highlights the benefits of partnering to solve health and housing needs. 

“Many state Medicaid agencies have been leveraging Medicaid policies and funding to address the housing needs of beneficiaries,” write the authors. “These innovative policies can help members achieve greater stability and ultimately better health, as well as help [states] contain health care costs.”

Learn more by reading the article.