Memo to Members

More Than $37 Billion in ERA Funds Spent between January 2021 and December 2022

Apr 03, 2023

The U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) released emergency rental assistance (ERA) spending and demographic data through December 2022. Since January 2021, over $22.7 billion of ERA1 has been spent on financial assistance to households, housing stability services, and administrative expenses by state, local, and territorial grantees. This amount represents nearly 91% of the $25 billion available under ERA1. Overall, $37.8 billion of ERA1 and ERA2 have been spent on assistance to households, administrative expenses, and housing stability services. The ERA program has made nearly 10.8 million payments to households since January 2021.

Spending data through December 2022 reveal continued variability in spending rates across states. Grantees in 18 states and the District of Columbia have reported disbursing over 90% of total ERA funds currently available. Conversely, grantees in four states have reported spending less than 50% of their total ERA funds currently available.

ERA1 Trends: Through the end of December 2022, state grantees had spent nearly $16.4 billion in ERA1 funds, or 97% of $16.8 billion allocated to them. Local grantees had spent over $6.1 billion or 87% of $7.0 billion allocated to localities. Most grantees were statutorily required to obligate all ERA1 funds by September 2022. Grantees that received reallocated ERA1 funds had until December 2022 to obligate all ERA1 funds. Grantees are required to submit a final report with cumulative financial and performance information; therefore, the total amount expended by grantees may change. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of households served since January 2021 had extremely low incomes.

ERA2 Trends: State grantees had spent nearly $11.3 billion of ERA2 funds by the end of December 2022, approximately 81% of the $14.0 billion allocated to them. Similarly, local grantees had spent approximately 73% of their allocation, or $3.8 billion of the $5.2 billion allocated to localities. Twenty-one state grantees and the District of Columbia reported spending over 75% of their ERA2 allocations by the end of December 2022. Three state grantees – Indiana, Iowa, and Tennessee – reported spending less than 20% of their ERA2 funds. Two state grantees – Arkansas and Nebraska – did not accept ERA2 funds. Over 62% of households served through ERA2 have had extremely low incomes.  

The spending and demographic data can be accessed at: