National League of Cities CEO Urges Congress to Act on Campaign’s Housing Priorities

Clarence Anthony, CEO of the National League of Cities (NLC), testified before the House Committee on Financial Services on February 4. Mr. Anthony urged Congress to act on the Opportunity Starts at Home campaign’s housing priorities, along with other priorities such as COVID-19 fiscal relief for local governments. Mr. Anthony submitted written testimony that read: “As a partner of the multi-jurisdictional Opportunity Starts at Home campaign and Mayors and CEO’s for U.S. Housing Investment, NLC has endorsed a set of specific funding recommendations: 1) $30 billion for emergency rental and utility assistance; 2) $28 billion in new funding for Housing Choice Vouchers; 3) $8 billion in new funding for Emergency Solutions Grants; and 4) $44 billion for the national Housing Trust Fund.”

"There is no question additional housing aid is necessary,” Mr. Anthony said in his remarks. “That was the case before COVID-19, and it remains the case today.”

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NLC is a Steering Committee member of the Opportunity Starts at Home multisector affordable homes campaign. Watch the webcast of the hearing here. Read the written testimony here. Also, check out NLC’s report, “Affordable Housing & Health City Roles and Strategies for Progress,” which explores ways local leaders can work toward healthy, equitable, and affordable housing.

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